Achtung, wichtige Information an alle!
Am vergangenen Wochenende wurden aus einer Lieferung an uns, über hundert Planet Eclipse Markierer sowie mehrere Paletten Planet Eclipse Ware in einer Nacht und Nebel Aktion aus einem Speditions-LKW gestohlen. Darunter befanden sich auch die Sponsormarkiererer des Team Xcellence.
Wenn Euch original verpackte Planet Eclipse Markierer zum Spottpreis angeboten werden, lehnt das Angebot ab. Ihr macht Euch auch ohne Wissen der Hehlerei strafbar. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass die Markierer noch nicht von uns für den deutschen Markt umgebaut worden sind.
Bitte teilt diese Nachricht damit jeder Bescheid weiß, denn es handelt sich um den größten Diebstahl in der Geschichte von Planet Eclipse und! Jegliche Informationen können helfen denn wir wollen den Tätern keine Chance lassen!
Vielen Dank für Eure Mithilfe!
Hier die Liste der gestohlenen Markierer:
Geo 3.5 Combat 3 |
5 |
14010: 33571,33545,33489,33582,33475 |
Geo 3.5 Orangblutang |
5 |
14010: 33804,33800,33758,33696,33769 |
Geo 3.5 Krypton Ice |
9 |
14010: 33578,33511,33266,33590, 33596,33587,33552,33533,33692 |
Geo 3.5 Charge 3 |
4 |
14010: 33785,33941,33834,32924,33475, 33696,33769 |
Geo 3.5 Midnight |
14 |
14010: 33646,33379,33459,31771, 33357,33378,33358, |
Geo 3.5 Ashes 3 |
2 |
14010: 31398,33377,33239,33464, 33386,33267,33736 14010: 33064,33458 |
Geo 3.5 Red/Black |
2 |
14010: 34099,34788 |
Geo 3.5 Navy/Black |
3 |
14010: 34382,34483,34435 |
Geo 3.5 Apple Green/Black |
8 |
14010: 34287,34657,34697,34610, 34659,34246,34234,34277 |
Geo 3.5 Orange/Black |
1 |
14010: 34474 |
Geo 3.5 Medium Grey/Black |
1 |
14010: 34399 |
Ego LV1 Vamped |
1 |
11140: 86735 |
Etek 5 Grey/Black |
5 |
30110: 50720,51318,50703,50699,50937 |
Etek 5 Red/Black |
10 |
30110: 50781,50721,50775,50850,50786, 50341,50459,50048,50835,50302 |
Etha Stretch Poison |
9 |
90230: 34368,34533,34575,34455,34867, 34676,34661,34683,34778 |
Etha Stretch White |
5 |
90230: 33835,34417,34222,33832,33950 |
Etha Stretch Ice |
6 |
90230: 36686,35000,35094,35251, 36663,36753 |
Etha Stretch Fire |
5 |
90230: 36493,36497,34972,34894,35401 |
Etha Gold/Black |
1 |
90230: 31613 |
Etha HDE Forest |
8 |
90230: 33438,33342,33208,33385, 33422,33267,33286,33187 |
Statement from Ledz, Owner of Planet Eclipse:
Well, this is the biggest theft we have ever had… Luckily it was taken from the courier so no store or property was broken into… But the fact that there are now over 100 Planet Eclipse Paintball markers out in the criminal world looking for a home is pretty bad. We have all of the serial numbers and they will be registered on our warranty database as STOLEN and any information we receive about the stolen markers will be passed onto the police.. These were all taken in the UK at the port, so we expect them to stay in the UK but you never know.
So, if anyone offers you Paintball gear cheap as chips then be aware it could be stolen and if you buy one of these ‘cheap’ but stolen markers and it crosses are path we will of course be reporting this straight to the police.
The only reason thieves steal is because they have a place to sell the stuff, don’t give them a reason to go and steal more stuff. Next time it might be your gear!
There were lots of other items stolen at the same time like: Elbow Pads, Knee Pads, Grip Kits, Marker Bags, OLED Boards, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Caps, Beanies, Jerseys Pants, Packs, IV Cores, Oil, Grease, Etc.
Below is a link to the complete list of markers with their serial numbers.. Let’s put a stop to these scumbags!